The Pollinator Garden about flowers, pollinating insects, and gardening

Insects and Flowers

Flowers don't exist just to ornament our gardens and look pretty. Flowers evolved in close and special relationships with their pollinators. Gardeners owe these pollinators a debt.


What are Pollinators?

They are insects such as hoverflies, bees, beetles, wasps, butterflies and moths.


Pollinator Gardens

In our gardens we can provide food and homes for bees and other pollinators, as well as a place that we love to be in ourselves. That's what this site is about.


2022 Update

I originally created this site about 15 years ago. At that time information about gardens and pollinators was very hard to come by. Now a lot more information is available. My links page signposts you to some of the best of it. I feel the information on this site is needed more than ever, as pollinators still decline. Together we must turn the tide.

If you are reading this in the USA and Canada, there is a page of North American links specially for you.

- Marc Carlton


Last updated  November 2023. © Marc Carlton 2006 - 2023.  Terms of Use.


Focus on..

Plant Autumn Flowers to support late-flying Insects


Does the Tawny Mining Bee live in your lawn?


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